Does the end of the weekend fill you with terror?

Sunday night's frightening realization that your free time, your you time is coming to an end. That time you cherish for betterment, learning, relaxation, anything besides toil and work... was over, and you utterly failed. Again.

You didn't use your time wisely. You procrastinated.

You got lost in a like .

You burned your most precious resource: time.

And now sadness fills your heart, and you feel

Sunday Night Dread.

line drawing of person standing in rain with umbrella

Believe You Me

I've lived with this sense of dread for fifteen years, but I've finally learned how to overcome it. If you suffer from the same affliction, then read on. I have revelations to share.

I have a recipe for beating procrastination again and again and again.

Let me start by sharing the parable of the perfect schedule.

The Parable of the Perfect Schedule